University of Texas ShieldUniversity of Texas TitleCollege of Natural Sciences
A UT Tower

At 307 feet tall, the Tower is slightly shorter than the State Capitol Building, but it is built on a hill that makes it appear taller than the Capitol. In addition to many university administrative offices, the Tower is home to the Life Science Library—one of the best quiet spaces to study on campus. Many textbooks for CNS classes can be found on reserve in the Life Sciences Library. The Tower is also home to the Plant Resources Center, the largest collection of plant specimens in the southwestern U.S.

Next Stop: Turtle Pond / Greenhouses

If facing the UT Tower/Main Building (with the main mall to your back) turn left and walk around the west side of the Tower. Follow the street between the Flawn Academic Center and the Tower, and cross Inner Campus Drive. On the left side of the lawn is the Botany Greenhouse and to the right is the Turtle Pond.